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UEMS survey for Radiation/Clinical Oncology trainers and trainees

We need your help to increase the response rate of trainees and training supervisors in your country for two questionnaires.
You will find enclosed two 5-minute surveys (one for trainees/residents in Radiation or clinical oncology (RO/CO) and the other for training supervisors in radiation/clinical oncology) that aims to find out whether there is interest among Radiation/Clinical Oncology (RO/ CO) community in your country in setting up a European certification in RO/CO for residents/trainees in RO/CO.

In 2019 the 4th edition of the UEMS/ESTRO Core Curriculum for Radiation Oncology was endorsed by most European countries. However, since the assessment of residents' skills in RO / CO varies greatly between European countries, we would like to explore if there is a need for a European certification/examination in RO/CO, as it is already implemented in several other medical specialties

Please circulate these surveys to trainees and training supervisors in your country. These surveys will take 5 minutes and the result will help UEMS to have a better knowledge of the need for the implementation of a European Board certification in RO/CO in Europe.

Survey UEMS training for supervisors in RO/CO : Click here

Survey UEMS training for trainees/residents in RO/CO: Click here