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De meeste Nederlandse proefschriften zijn (ook) te vinden via. De meeste Nederlandse proefschriften zijn (ook) te vinden via

23-11-2015 Dr. F.L. Schneiders Invariant Natural Killer t-cells and Vy9V82-T cells: between in-betweeners
18-11-2015 Dr. M.E.M.C.Christianen Prediction and prevention of radiation-induced swallowing dysfunction
12-10-2015 Dr. E.J. Bantema-Joppe Local treatment in young breast cancer patients: Recurrence, toxicity and quality of lifeLocal treatment in young breast cancer patients: Recurrence, toxicity and quality of life
09 07 2015 Dr. L.K. van Dijk EGFR Imaging in head and neck cancer
01 07 2015 Dr. J. Buijsen: Rectal cancer: steps towards tailored treatment
23 06 2015 Dr. M.E. Mast: Avoiding the heart : about optimising whole breast irradiation
25 06 2015 Dr. G.H.M.J. Griffioen: New radiotherapeutic approaches for improving cure and palliation of lung tumors
25 06 2015 Dr. N.E. Verstegen: The evolving role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in operable early stage non-small cell lung cancer
09 06 2015 Dr.Ir. S. van de Water: Optimizing planning & delivery of high-precision robotic radiotherapy & intensity-modulated proton therapy
27 05 2015 Dr. G.A. Sattler: The long-term side effects of postoperative radiation therapy in pituitary adenoma patients
13 05 2015 Dr. M. van Hezewijk: Tailoring follow-up in early-stage breast cancer
12 03 2015 Dr. A.M. Dinkla: Stepping source prostate brachytherapy: From target definition to dose delivery
16 02 2015 Dr. K.J. Simon: De wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen in de radiologie en radiotherapie binnen de geneeskunde in Nederland 1896-1922
14 01 2015 Dr. V. rao Bollineni: PET-based analysis of tumor glucose metabolism and tumor hypoxia before and during anti-neoplastic treatment
07 01 2015 Dr. L. Spiegelberg: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the prevention of radiation-induced tissue injury in the head and neck region
06 01 2015 Dr. E. Budiarto: Modeling geometrical uncertainties for radiotherapy plan optimization without margins
18 12 2014 Dr. M.D. den Hartogh: Towards MRI-guided radiotherapy in early-stage breast cancer patients
31 10 2014 Dr. W.I. Uijterlinde: Prediction of toxicity in concurrent chemoradiation for non-small cell lung cancer
28 10 2014 Dr. L. Merckel: MRI-guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound of Breast Cancer
21 10 2014 Dr. J.G.H. van Nes: Clinical aspects of endocrine therapy of early breast cancer in postmenopausal women
14 10 2014 Dr. L.A. Daniels: Late effects after treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma
24 09 2014 Dr. S. Senthi: Treatment of early-stage lung cancer: Cure and survivorship
20 06 2014 Dr. E.E. Schaake: Multimodality approach towards individualized non-small cell lung cancer treatment
12 06 2014 Dr. G. Landry: The sensitivity of radiotherapy to tissue composition and its estimation using novel dual energy CT methods
12 06 2014 Dr. P.W.J. Voet: Automation of contouring and planning in radiotherapy
11 06 2014 Dr. I.W.E.M. van Dijk: Radiation-associated adverse events after childhood cancer
03 06 2014 Dr. A. Borren: Functional MR Imaging in prostate radiotherapy - relationship with prostate histology
07 05 2014 Dr. C.T. Muijs: The use of PET/CT in the radiotherapy treatment planning for esophageal cancer
24 03 2014 Dr. I. Beetz: Prediction of patient-rated radiation-induced xerostomia
13 03 2014 Dr. S.E. Rademakers: Oxygen-enhanced radiotherapy in advanced laryngeal cancer; An analysis of the predictive value of hypoxia-related markers
19 02 2014 Dr. L.M.A. Schreurs: FDG-PET/CT in staging and treatment of esophageal cancer
03 02 2014 Dr. E.M. Wiegman: Prediction and prevention of radiation induced lung toxicity
17 12 2013 Dr.Ir. A.L. Hoffmann: Treatment planning optimization methods for individualized dose prescription in intensity-modulated radiation therapy
27 11 2013 Dr. M. van der Sangen: Loco-regional control or breast cancer with an emphasis on the role of young age and lobular histology
21 11 2013 Dr. M.K. Stam: MRI guided radiotherapy for renal tumours
07 11 2013 Dr. D.A.X. Schinagl: Radiotherapy for head and neck cancer. The role of FDG-PET
02 10 2013 Dr. G. Rodrigues: Novel radiotherapy approaches and prognostic models in brain metastases
13 09 2013 Dr. B.L.T. Ramaekers: Acknowledging patient heterogeneity in health technology assessment : towards personalized decisions in innovative radiotherapy treatments
22 05 2013 Dr. R.A.M. Canters: Optimization and control in deep hyperthermia: Clinical implementation of hyperthermia treatment planning in cervical cancer treatment to obtain a higher treatment quality
28 03 2013 dr. T. Dijkema: Salivary gland sparing radiotherapy
25 03 2013 dr. G. Ghobadi: Pathophysiology of thoracic irradiation
21 03 2013 dr. S.P.M. Crijns: On-line MRI guidance for radiotherapy
21 03 2013 dr. T.A. van de Water: Potential benefits of intensity-modulated proton therapy in head and neck cancer
13 03 2013 dr. J. de Leeuw: Nurse-led follow-up care for head and neck cancer patients
13 03 2013 dr. S. Breedveld: Towards automated treatment planning in radiotherapy: A mathematical approach to automated and integrated multi-criterial optimization of beam angles and IMRT fluence profiles
22 12 2010 dr. D. Teguh: Late Morbidity (Dysphagia) in Head and Neck Cancer after Radiotherapy using various Treatment Techniques
10 12 2010 dr. E.M.A. Roeloffzen: Prediction of acute urinary retention after I-125 prostate brachytherapy
05 11 2010 dr. M.L. Kimman: Improving the quality and cost-effectiveness of breast cancer follow-up
22 10 2010 dr. J.G.M. van Loon: Molecular imaging in the combined modality treatment of lung cancer
08 10 2010 dr. A. Al-Mamgani: The Dynamics of Dose Escalation of Radiotherapy for Localized Prostate Cancer
08 10 2010 dr. D.S.A. Nuyten: Hypothesis driven gene expression profiling in breast cancer
07 10 2010 dr. B.R. Pieters: Pulsed-dose rate brachytherapy in prostate cancer
30 09 2010 dr. J.J. Jobsen: Prognostic factors in breast-conserving therapy : a prospective population-based cohort study
21 09 2010 dr. E.M. Kerkhof: The clinical rationale for MRI-guided radiotherapy : the dawn of a new era
03 09 2010 dr. M. Franckena: Hyperthermia for the treatment of locally advanced cervix cancer
14 04 2010 dr. E.P.M. Jansen: Chemoradiotherapy in Gastric Cancer
10 03 2010 dr. E.G.C. Troost: Validation of PET imaging for non-invasive characterization of head and neck tumors
03 03 2010 dr. C.J.A. Haasbeek: Image-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage lung cancer
03 03 2010 dr. H.P. van der Laan: Optimising CT guided radiotherapy for breast cancer
03 02 2010 dr. G.J. van der Wielen: Erectile dysfunction after external beam radiotherapy for prostate cancer: Can it be prevented?
15 01 2010 dr. F.O. Spoelstra: Optimization of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) for lung cancer